Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 2 In Bandung - The Shopping Begin

We had a fabulous hotel breakfast this morning. I've never try this local fruit or "buah salak" before. It looks a bit like a palm fruit but tasted sweet and fresh in the inside :)

Now here top few places and attractions in Bandung which happened in our must visit list (:

Our first shopping location was of course Rumah Mode at Dago. Going there was a bit tricky and the hotel we were staying was a bit far away from Dago. We thought of walking over to the nearest train station but gave up after 20 minutes of walk. We finally took the local bus or "Angkut" which mean carry by the local. We got ripped off for the 1st time taking this bus :( The driver charges us Rp60,000 since there's no meter or fare chart which we gladly pay (as its only RM20) after convertion but then we realized, almost all local taking the same type of buses and no way they can afford that much for transportation! We found out that the charges were only from Rp2000 to Rp3000....grrrrr!!!

Well, Rumah Mode is definitely different from other factory outlets. It was huge and had smaller shops in the same area. 

There were also a Java Coffee house and a food court of restaurant. It may seem quiite outside but inside were full of tourist looking for great bargain. Polo shirt, menswear, dresses, skirts, pants of all brands were everywhere! 


No camera allow in the shop, so we ended up just do our own shopping. We almost spend all our money here in this shop. The only thing, I couldn't any S or XS for my size so I ended up getting a M and L! No matter what must grab something here!


After shopping, we went to the nicely decorated Indonesia restaurant. I ordered a Mee Siam and he order Nasi Jawa, which are both cheap and nice ^^


Shop Till You Drop in Bandung

Every year my birthday celebration had been rather usual. The year before I was at Library and last year I was at Zouk. This year rather than spending of unnecessary money in alcohol and partying till dawn, I travelled to Bandung, Indonesia. 

Bandung or The City Of Flower is a small city in Indonesia. Famous for factory outlets where you can get go bargain, Bandung is one of popular destination for local Malaysian and Singaporean. 

I was there for four days, three nights by Air Asia. Reaching airport, I was caught by surprised by the local custom and immigration clearing. With only two counters and two officers, with more than 70 passengers, the clearest took us about a good 45 minutes, the longest I ever spent getting my passport stamped :(

Luckily for us, our driver from the airport was patiently waiting for us. The journey to our hotel was pretty fast as our hotel was quite near to the airport. The only bad thing was the traffic was really really bad and cars, vans, motorbikes just cutting each other lane without proper signal. But I guess that's how the transportation work here.

We are staying here in The Golden Flower Hotel at Jalan Asia African. Oh, I just love my hotel. The room was pretty comfy and amenities were complete with Plasma TV, gym, spa, pool and a large shower head :)

As we reach quite late on the first day, we only managed to go to the famous Atmosphere Cafe at Jalan Lenkong about 20 minutes walk from our hotel. 

Its actually pretty dangerous walking all the way to Atmosphere Cafe as we were not sure where was it. At 9.15pm the street was so quite and dark. After a good 15 minutes walk, we decided to hired a tricycle who refused to leave us alone. For Rp3,000 he cycled us to our destination and waited us outside. 

Atmosphere Cafe is a must visit. I definately recommend this cozy garden restaurant. The atmosphere here is relaxing and there was a local live band with pretty hot dual singers. The food is not bad and the singers were good. It really lighted up my mood.

The best part it it had a beautiful chalet type garden where diners can dine under candle lights surrounding by trees and plants...totally romantic :)

We ordered some food and drinks, the bill came up not more than RM70! I am definitely coming here again  in my next visit ^^

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How It All Started

I have begin to fall in love with Vintry. This had been the third time I was here and this time I bought a good friend of mine to celebrate his birthday. 

How I met Jack

I first met him in a best friend's birthday dinner. She had invited few close friends to Vintry, a cosy little wine + dining restaurant at Damansara. 

As usual, I was on time and they were of course were late. I had the waiter brought me to our table and there was him sitting alone and taking to his blackberry.

The first thing came into my mind.."Hmmm.....this is going to be awkward". It happened all thee time in movie when two strangers met and they hit off well. Arg...but that's only happened in those chick flick and in real actual fact I hardly can hold conversation more than 2 minutes without any booze. 

So, being the usual shy me, I took a seat further but opposite of and nod at him, but all his was doing was continue talking to his blackberry. Hmmm...awkward..awkward....

Five ten minutes past? I'm not sure but finally he end his phone call. And we introduce ourself...and he ask me if I would like to have some wine. Of course I said yes, what else could I said?

And at that very moment, I feel extremely discomfotable and quietly regretting reaching on time :(  Although as we continued to talk with discomfort...we finally lighted up a bit until my friend finally reach.We stop talking afterwards and continue to talk to our own group of friends.

I am not sure why but there's some strange feeling lingering...and I have the the weirdest feeling that something going to happen between us. Silly but my sixth sense was pretty accurate. 

But nothing happened till we met up again after 2 months. We went to the same place again for wine.There were four of us were girls and and he was the only guy! Seriously, I feel pretty discomfort. And I was thinking what so special about this guy that four pretty girls sitting around him? He's not really that good looking, mature yes, career minded maybe....but other than that? I was beginning to have curiosity with him.

It was also the first time we have 5 bottles of wine and the bill came up to 1K plus T.T. He offered to pay a large potion of the wine while we girls share the rest. This was also the time when we challenged each other on something and he finally took my phone number - which he never actually called at all till our third meeting.....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How does is feel when you love somebody - wholeheartly?

I am not sure if I found the answer or it is real how I feel but when I am with him, my worries gone. 

I smile when I think of him. I love the way he act silly in front of me. I love the way he pamper me. The way he kiss and tingle me. When we kiss I still feel the spark. When we hug and look into each other eyes, it is like no one else was there in this world but us. 

Yes we have our downside. We fight and argue a lot recently. For almost a year, we are still in the same topic. His quick temper, my sharp tongue. We both always said the meanest things when both of us were angry. We both know we don't mean it but yet whatever came out just came out. 

It hurt me when he said "I am who I am. I couldn't change and you know it" 

And it hurt him when I said " Had you ever love me? Have you even be serious in this relationship?"

It is funny because we both know how much we love each other. We know because we can feel it and the way we kiss prove everything. Despite that we still manage to hurt each other so badly that I wish I had never met him before (when I was still very much angry with him). 

I understand there will be arguments and disagreement. And it is because we care thus we argue. We want the best options for both. I will try to be more patient with him....and he had to learn how to control his quick temper. 

Lazy Monday

Nothing much. Just that I had a swollen eye today and ended up didn't go to work. Seriously my eye was swollen like a red egg~ since last month and it keep on recurring. I should have go and see a doctor!

Need to go to "magat" shop near my house later. Why it is call "magat" shop? I hit the backside of his car the other day and now my bumper spoilt and car door can't open properly. Haih..I am so CLUMSY! 

Hope it wouldn't cost me a bomb la!


Eye swollen - cost me RM45
Car fix - cost me RM180 (bumper & side door)


Found a good link on how to cure swollen eye lid. You might want to check it out here. Meanwhile, I am just going to take a nap.

First day auditing

Second week of job...but I seem like I had been working here forever. Work is fast pace, everyone is so busy working on their own. There are few different projects everyone...gonna to learn really fast to be able to catch on. 

Anyway, this week is my 1st time auditing. By mean of auditing is not those as in account or company's account. I am auditing people here or to be more accurate my BAs (Brand Ambassadors). 

Every week we had few BAs working for sampling at major hypermarkets or pharmacy. I was routed to Wangsa Maju area (Ampang, AU2,Ulu Klang) with my HR manager. 

Man, was I ever tired? I am like trying samples after samples, taking to promoter after promoters, testing their knowledge, their skills, their service etc. By the 3rd outlets, I was like "One more cup of coffee, I am going to vomit soon". And my back was killing me!

In my previous job, it was totally different. I used to visit outlets such as pubs, bistro, eateries and drink beer for free till I actually wouldn't drink at all at the outlets. Now it was like Tesco, Giant, Jusco....haha completely different. Nevertheless, it was a good experience. Next two week I am on my own, I guess it should be better. 

This is how sampling BA look like 

Suppose to go to BBQ afterward with him but at the end I didn't go. Yes, we had a fight..again. We had another fight a day before, yesterday and the day after. Three days in a row! My goodness, I am getting tired on this! 

But I am still with him now after all the big fight. Sometime I ask myself, it is worth it? What I am doing now with him?