Sunday, March 4, 2012

How I met Jack

I first met him in a best friend's birthday dinner. She had invited few close friends to Vintry, a cosy little wine + dining restaurant at Damansara. 

As usual, I was on time and they were of course were late. I had the waiter brought me to our table and there was him sitting alone and taking to his blackberry.

The first thing came into my mind.."Hmmm.....this is going to be awkward". It happened all thee time in movie when two strangers met and they hit off well. Arg...but that's only happened in those chick flick and in real actual fact I hardly can hold conversation more than 2 minutes without any booze. 

So, being the usual shy me, I took a seat further but opposite of and nod at him, but all his was doing was continue talking to his blackberry. Hmmm...awkward..awkward....

Five ten minutes past? I'm not sure but finally he end his phone call. And we introduce ourself...and he ask me if I would like to have some wine. Of course I said yes, what else could I said?

And at that very moment, I feel extremely discomfotable and quietly regretting reaching on time :(  Although as we continued to talk with discomfort...we finally lighted up a bit until my friend finally reach.We stop talking afterwards and continue to talk to our own group of friends.

I am not sure why but there's some strange feeling lingering...and I have the the weirdest feeling that something going to happen between us. Silly but my sixth sense was pretty accurate. 

But nothing happened till we met up again after 2 months. We went to the same place again for wine.There were four of us were girls and and he was the only guy! Seriously, I feel pretty discomfort. And I was thinking what so special about this guy that four pretty girls sitting around him? He's not really that good looking, mature yes, career minded maybe....but other than that? I was beginning to have curiosity with him.

It was also the first time we have 5 bottles of wine and the bill came up to 1K plus T.T. He offered to pay a large potion of the wine while we girls share the rest. This was also the time when we challenged each other on something and he finally took my phone number - which he never actually called at all till our third meeting.....

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